
Canadian Bird Breeders

green cheek conures, gold capped conures, dusky conures

congo african greys, white-bellied caiques, galah cockatoos, hawkhead parrots, derbyan parakeets, red-bellied parrots


Bird Clubs & Rescues

Avicultural Advancement Council of Canada (AACC) - national Canadian organization consisting of avicultural societies, aviculturists & bird owners

Durham Avicultural Society - a club of people who enjoy observing, caring for and breeding birds in Ontario

Manitoba Canary & Finch Club - a group interested in canaries & finches 

Parrot Club of Manitoba - a group of parrot people with meetings in Winnipeg

Parrot Partners Canada - rehabilitation, training & adoption centre for companion parrots in Ottawa

Parrot Resource Centre - educational resource helping to improve the lives of companion parrots

Wings of Hope Parrot Rescue - parrot rescue located in Winnipeg, MB 

Other Links

All Things Feathered - Canadian distributor for Morning Bird Products

Dog Nerd Winnipeg - premier R+ dog training facility

Happy Daisy Dog Food - gourmet dog treats & food

Prairie Exotics 

The Chop Stop - gourmet parrot chop, ready to eat and full of nutritious, organic and pesticide free ingredients. Located in Winnipeg MB